St James Ministry Team

A blog from the Ministry Team of St James Church, Colwall, Herefordshire, UK


Real Live Preacher

I was impressed by this website - worth a click. [Perhaps no longer. Ed]



Wow! It's two months since I did a blog - that's what Christmas does for you!

Following on from the last MinTeam meeting, it occurred to me that we ought to do something on ageing. We're all getting older, but I have reached the age when I start to notice it. We also have quite a few elderly people in the village and also people caring for them, who all need looking after. Here's a few thoughts on topics.

  1. Ageing. I used to get impatient with elderly people, until I started getting old! Respect for the elderly is not made much of in our culture and perhaps we ought to examine it more. There is also the issue of grwoing old gracefully.
  2. Coping with disability. Relating to a carer and looking after carers. There are a number of carers in Colwall, commercial as well as family. The Care Scheme does a lot, but a bit more awareness of it in the congregation might well be useful. Commercial carers need looking after too - they are often isolated.
  3. Dying. Time we faced up to this theologically. And there is a lot of interest in the topic of euthanasia.
  4. Bereavement.

I don't know whether that would make a Lent course, but I sure the topics would arouse interest.