St James Ministry Team

A blog from the Ministry Team of St James Church, Colwall, Herefordshire, UK


The Anglican Covenant

The Anglican covenant is a document which is intended to codify what it means to be Anglican, given the diversity which currently exists in the communion.  To my mind this is one of those things which are best left unspecified, but many of the churches within the communion are pushing to make things more precise.  The result is a document which I have to say is difficult to read, difficult to understand and tends to induce a feeling of losing the will to live.  I cannot think that any good will come of it.  It is currently before the diocesan synods, before being debated in general synod.  I hope it fails and could go on at greater length about it but my voice recognition software is having a bit of trouble with recognising the word synod!


At 17 July 2011 at 08:15, Anonymous Carl said...

I was recently speaking to an ordinand who was really hesitant about being ordained into a Church that was potentially becoming more prescriptive. She treasured the breadth that the catholic tradition of the Cof E. enshrines.

My own feeling is that we have two existing covenants, Old and New. We already have Creeds and 39 Articles. They can prove enough of a stumbling block. Let's not add any more even if they are presently justified as sticky tape to try and hold the Communion together. Like sticky tape, the Anglican Covenant will soon curl at the edges and disintegrate.


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